AIDS in Africa


Bush, AIDS, Business, and Africa

By: Josh Ruxin 



February 20, 2008,



The Bush admission as taken extreme effort in fighting the AIDS epidemic in African, by going into country  various like Ghana, Liberia, Tanzania, Benin and Rwanda.  They have put over 19 mission dollar toward this effect with hopes to put a dent in this growing globe concern. There effort has bought attention to the fact that there is so much that need to done to truly make a difference. Ruxin suggest that the root of their epidemic is poverty and the change most first start with effort there.  He also discusses the different approach with hope to tackle the source and the problem, including massive health care improvements alongside extraordinary efforts to build the private sector.




-Geneva Lewis



Senate Moves on AIDS Bill

By Carl Hulse



July 14, 2008, 11:10 am




The bill for $50 billion AIDS initiative that has the support of Democrats, Republicans and the White House has been passed. It was put into place for to promote Americas foreign by providing resources for developing countries struggling with how to care for those who are HIV-positive. To begin debate on the legislation that seeks to step up AIDS treatment and prevention efforts in Africa, Asia and other country. Since African is one of leading continent infected by AIDS this new bill has provide hope for the foreign police. Hulse discuss America efforts to actually provide help on a more globe spectrum.

- Geneva Lewis

Death March


Published: February 10, 2008





The Article discusses way of fight against AIDS without having the cure. Hochscild speak on issues of poverty and the large role it plays in the AIDS epidemic.  There are over roughly 800 people every day that die from AIDS and even more how are infected. Hochcild discuss how there is a need to provide aid not only through medication but basic living necessity. The effect of untreated HIV is the leading cause of such numbers.  The concern to inform about as lack in is duties, Hochild suggest that it is the fail  on Mbeki can be said because of the lack of repeatedly spoken out about safe sex and AIDS testing and treatment, and had thrown the full weight of his ruling party apparatus behind such a campaign.  Thabo Mbeki who is the South African president since 1999.

- Geneva Lewis



In Global Battle on AIDS, Bush Creates Legacy


Published: January 5, 2008





President Bush continually effort to strengthen has produce the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. With hope to fight AIDS as globe effort. The global AIDS program has helped roughly 1.4 million AIDS patients have received lifesaving medicine paid for with American dollars, up from 50,000 before the initiative. There is a globe concern about this growing epidemic that is a need for country to step in and help the promotion of life. Stolberg discusses how it a human concern that is in need for content help in a search for a cure.

-Geneva lewis





THESIS- America should care about AIDS in Africa because its goble concern.