Below is a list of due dates for each assignment. WRITE THEM DOWN!
Click on the title of the assignment for a much fuller description of what you need to do and how you need to do it. Note that most of these assignments are multi-staged. Almost everything we do in class will be used in one or more assignments over the course of the semester, so even if it feels like "busy work," do your homework when it is assigned!
Assignments due in class unless otherwise noted.
Friday, Sept. 5: Draft 1 due in class
Wednesday, Sept. 10: Revised literacy narrative (with new introduction and conclusion) due in class
Monday, Sept. 8: description and response to two Drew clubs or organizations from the Activities Fair
Wednesday, Sept. 10: post descriptions and responses to the Drew events Wiki
Monday, Sept. 15: ideas and notes for paper #2.
Friday, Sept. 26: Final draft of paper due in class
Wednesday, Sept. 17: story selected and posted to the local news wiki
Monday, Sept. 22: at least four news summaries posted to the wiki
Friday, Sept. 26: news narrative due
Monday, Oct. 6: Final draft of paper due in class
Mid-term Portfolio: October 17, portfolios are due in the red box in Sitterly no later than 5PM
Monday, Oct. 20: Final draft of paper due in class
Monday, Nov. 3: Final draft of paper due in class
Monday, Nov. 17: Final draft of paper due in class
Monday, Dec. 1: Final draft of paper due in class
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