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Economics Club

Page history last edited by sandra jamieson 16 years ago


Are you ready to get out into the business world? The Economics Club is all about business. The Economics Club is a unique club that is on the rise here at Drew. This club explores the ins and outs of businesses. All about how businesses are able to prosper and what they must do to keep a constant flow in business is covered by this club. They sometimes take trips to New York and view top businesses up close and personal.

Jeremy Appledorf


Why someone might join

Joining is just as easy as 1, 2, 3. They have a meeting once a week to talk about any new ideas and such. This club is very useful for people who think they want to get into the business world. The good thing about this club is that you can go to a meeting and see if you like it, and if not then you don’t have to come to another meeting. Also, if people don’t know exactly what they want to major in here at Drew this club is great because it shows you everything about Economics so you can see if Economics is your thing!

Jeremy Appledorf



add news about the club and descriptions and reviews of events here (even if you didn't join you can attend events!) Give each event a level 3 heading

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