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Electronic Democracy Project II (Candidate Websites)

Page history last edited by sandra jamieson 15 years, 10 months ago

Electronic Democracy Project: Website analysis (an analysis-based argument)


Monday, Nov. 10: Final draft of paper due in class - PRINTED OUT

Friday, Oct 31: analysis of advocacy websites and selection of site for further analysis
Monday, Nov 3: one page outline for advocacy website analysis due in class (printed out)
Wednesday, Nov 5: draft of paper #5 due in k:drive project 5 folder by the beginning of class
Friday, Nov 7: revised draft due in k:drive project 5 folder by the beginning of class


According to a Rock the Vote and Pace University nationwide telephone poll of 662 newly registered voters in 2004, forty-four percent of new voters rely on the Internet as a major source of campaign information (http://www.rockthevote.com/rtv_pacepoll.php).  Wemight reasonably assume that in 2008 that number is significantly higher. So, what will they find? 


This assignment invites you to select any candidate running for any office in the November election and explore the arguments being made on his or her website about why we should vote for this candidate. To complete this assignment you should look at the strategies of argument and the content of the argument and use both to evaluate how well-informed these new voters will be about the candidate you have selected.

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