English 1A (006) & (007)
Sandra Jamieson, Fall 2008
The class
Section 006: MWF 11:15-12:05 in Embury 206
Section 007: MWF 1:15-2:05 in Sitterly 101
Contact information
Office: Sitterley 107
Office hours: Mondays & Wednesdays, 2:30-6:00; and by appt (sign up on the list on my office door)
email: sjamieso@drew.edu
office phone: 973.408.3499
IM screen name: profJamieson
Course description
English 1A is a 2-credit academic writing course designed to introduce students to academic literacy and the intellectual strategies at the heart of academic work. Students will explore the ways writing works to inform and persuade, and the impact of audience, purpose, and context on this process. From the personal (a literacy narrative), through the local (the Drew campus and the town of Madison), to the national (the general election) and the international, students will select their own topics and make and assess arguments. Along the way they will perfect the skill of thesis development, methods of argumentation, selection of evidence, strategies for organization, revision, and editing.
Students registered in ENGL 1A in the Fal semester must enroll in ENGL 1 in the Spring, although they may select a different instructor and/or class time. Read the full course description, intellectual outcomes, grade breakdown, and classroom contract.
Daily Schedule
Your wiki pages
Your individual wiki pages are your opportunity to share your work and your reflection on your work with others. The wiki allows your research to be of value to people beyond the class (your papers could be the result of an entry here). It also allows you to show off how much work you have done to people at Drew, to former teachers, and to family and friends.
ePortfolio main page.
Drew University English Department Resources for Writers
Sandra Jamieson, Director of Composition;
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