National News pages



This list is part of Project #3, Media Watch I: National News. To read about the assignment, visit the assignment page.

Please select ONE story to follow. If it is not listed below, add it (when you create the page, select the Media Watch template)

For each entry, include the following as the TITLE

  1) the title of the news article (in quotation marks);

  2) the author of the article if one is listed (Associated Press & Reuters count as authors);

  3) where you read the story (eg: New York Times online), in italics;

  4) The URL of the story if you read it online; the page number(s) if you read it in print;

  5) the date the story was published (and if you read it on line, the time you consulted it).

At the end of the summary, write your name!

Stories being followed


Abandoned Children


Financial Bailout plans


California Train accident


Catholic Church and abortion


Changes in college Financial Aid programs


The continued cleanup after Hurricane's Katrina and Mitch in Louisiana


Chinese's Milk Kill Babies (International news - topic 7)


Environmental issues (solar power, global warming, etc)


Offshore drilling


The outcome of Hurricane Ike in Texas


Wall Street Crisis (AIG, Lehman Brothers, short selling, etc) 


Preparations in West Texas for possible flooding of the Rio Grande


The Large Hadron Collider